The Forum of Integrated Risk Mitigation F.I.R.M
F.I.R.M is a not-for-profit company established to provide a ‘Collective Brains Trust’ in which private sector stakeholders can partner with law enforcement and harness the collective to tackle issues of crime, physical and social disorder, urban and community decay; through which we may create, maintain and support a safe and secure South Africa.
To create safe, secure spaces in South Africa. To foster growth, development and prosperity through impactful action and the spirit of ubuntu.
To be a trusted partner who engages honestly and collaboratively with all stakeholders in order to work towards a safe and secure society.
Our Stakeholders & Partners
Our Values
Trust is imperative to our ability to take action, add value and have impact. As such, we work collaboratively with all our stakeholders, treating everyone with respect. We are an NPC, we are all volunteers and all funds raised go back into the F.I.R.M and serves our collective objectives.
We care about our communities, treat all our stakeholders with respect and always act ethically, with integrity, and within the letter of the law.
We don’t just do what has always been done. We must evaluate situations critically in order to come up with the best possible action plan.
We harness the power of the collective, aligning with those institutions that have a legal mandate to protect communities and providing them with operational and strategic support. We do this by leveraging the shared knowledge and spending power of our partnerships to make solutions more affordable and sustainable.
Action, Impact & Value
We develop pragmatic solutions that we can put into action and measure for impact, with the ultimate aim of crime eradication, rather than crime prevention.